Issue 22, 2016


Intersections and Connections in Feminist History p. 3-5

Bethany Phillips-Peddlesden and Ana Stevenson


‘Morbidly-Inclined Young Women’: The Divorce Court as Feminised Entertainment in Early Twentieth-Century Sydney. pp. 8-20

Claire Sellwood

‘A Key Person Internationally’: Towards a Biography of Freda Brown. pp. 21-36

Lisa Milner

Wielding Her Pen Like a Sword: Mary Bennett’s War Against the Australian State. pp. 37-51

Alison Holland

Bar Dykes and Lesbian Feminists: Lesbian Encounters in 1970s Feminism. pp. 52-65

Sophie Robinson

‘War Between the Sexes’: Germaine de Staël’s Corinne and Benjamin Constant’s Adolphe. pp. 66-77

Sharon Worley

Oh, For a French Wife? Australian Women and Culinary Francophilia in Post-war Australia. pp. 78-90

Donna Lee Brien and Alison Vincent

Appropriation of ‘French Theory’: Translating Gender (Troubles): Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, and the American. pp. 90-103

Kali Myers

Book Reviews:

Just Relations: The Story of Mary Bennett’s Crusade for Aboriginal Rights. p. 104

Laura Rademaker

Unnamed Desires: A Sydney Lesbian History. p. 105

Chelsea Barnett

Minding Her Own Business: Colonial Businesswomen in Sydney. p. 107

Lorinda Cramer

Respectable Radicals: A History of the National Council of Women Australia,
1896–2006. p. 109

James Keating

100 Years of Women Police in Australia. p. 111

Anastasia Dukova

Settler Society in the Australian Colonies: Self-Government and Imperial Culture. p. 114

Helen Bones

Notes on Contributors p. 117