Issue 9, 1996

Lilith Conference ‘The Violence of Institutions’ Papers (held November 1994 @ University of Melbourne)

Editorial Lee-Ann Monk, Di Hall, Cathy Coleborne, and Lucy Chesser pp. 1-2


Section: Institutions (Introduction p. 3)

Working Like Mad: Nineteenth-Century Female Lunatic Asylum Attendants and Violence. pp. 5-20

Lee-Ann Monk

Cleansing Their Souls: Laundries in Institutions for Fallen Women. pp. 21-32

Joanne Monk

Venereal Disease and the Policing of the Amateur in Melbourne during World War I. pp. 33-50

Julie Tisdale

Section: Sexuality (Introduction p. 51)

Disciplined, Punished, and Resisting Bodies: Lesbian Women and the Australian Armed Services, 1950s-60s. pp. 53-77

Ruth Ford

Landscapes of Conflict, Violence and Integration: Health Services and Second-Generation Women of Non-English Speaking Backgrounds. pp. 78-95

Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli

Section: Voices (Introduction p. 97)

Aboriginal Child Removal: A personal perspective. pp. 99-103

Lisa Bellear

The Violence of Racism and the Implications for Minority Women. pp. 104-121

Malina Stankovska and Pandora Petrovska

Section: Feminist Theory/Feminist Practice (Introduction p. 123)

The Discourses of Crisis in the Women’s Liberation Movement and the Women’s Electoral Lobby in Melbourne in the late 1970s. pp. 125-145

                Katy Reade

Rethinking Penality – Foucault, Feminism, and Punishment. pp. 146-165

Adrian Howe

Book Reviews:

Freedom Bound Volume I, eds. Patricia Grimshaw, Susan Janson, and Marion Quartly; Freedom Bound Volume II, eds. Katie Holmes and Marilyn Lake. p. 167

Cathy Coleborne

Along the Faultlines: Sex, Race, and Nation in Australian Women’s Writing by Susan Sheridan. p. 170

Fiona Paisley

Women Working Together: Lessons From Feminist Women’s Services by Wendy Weeks. p. 174

Adele Murdolo

Letters to the Editors:

Suvendrini Perera, “We speak, like Friday, only much better.” p. 179